修行的过程就是闻思修,戒定慧 |
日期:2018/5/17 18:24:00 下载DOC文档 微博、微信、支付宝分享 |
传喜法师 佛是纯净的世界,我们是杂染的世界,纯净是因为心纯净,杂染是因为心杂染,我们要转变这个心就要听经闻法。 人这一生,选对方向很重要,信很难生, 信有正信和邪信,有迷信和智信,我们取其正,舍其邪,取其智,舍其迷,这个是要听经闻法才会明白的,所以闻思修很重要。 The Buddha is pure whilst we are contaminated, especially regarding the mind. In order to purify this contaminated mind, we need to learn Buddha-dharma. In our life, it’s very important to find the right direction. It’s very diffcult to arouse genuine faith. There are good beliefs and evil beliefs, confused beliefs and wise beliefs. We need to opt for the good and avoid the evil, opt for wisdom and avoid confusion, and we won’t be able to do this without learning the Dharma. It’s very important to learn, think and practice. 经是有真实义的,佛法无人传,虽慧亦难了,犹如暗中宝,无灯不能见。 佛说一切法,都是我们众生自性本具的德,怎么与佛经相应,发掘出自性的德, 这是非常重要的,修行的过程就是闻思修,戒定慧。 Each sutra has its own profound meaning. Without being taught by a wise teacher, even people of great intelligence won’t understand – it is like a jewel in the dark that no one can see without light. Buddha-dharma is about exploring our inherent Buddha-nature and quality. The key is to practice in accordance with the Buddha’s teachings. The practice of Dharma involves learning, thinking and meditation; it relates to the observation of precepts and the cultivation of concentration and wisdom. |